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Red Stag Patagonia

The chase is fair,
everything else is excellent


  • Red Stag Lanin

  • Collun-Co

  • Lanín

  • Tupungato

  • Black Buck Hunting at Los Crestones Lodge - 2018

    Black Buck Hunting at Los Crestones Lodge - 2018
  • The Huge Stags of Tupungato

    The Huge Stags of Tupungato
  • Red Stag Patagonia - Junin

    The Huge Stags of Tupungato 2018 - Full length
  • Revolution Show 2014 - Tupungato Part 1

    Revolution Show 2014 - Tupungato Part 1
  • Prime Revolution Show 2014 - Tupungato Part 2

    Prime Revolution Show 2014 - Tupungato Part 2
  • Prime Revolution Show 2014 - Buenos Aires Big Game Part 3

    Prime Revolution Show 2014 - Buenos Aires Big Game Part 3
  • Red Stag Patagonia - Junin

    Red Stag Patagonia - Junin
  • Red Stag Patagonia - Junin

    Red Stag Patagonia - Junin
  • A few stags roaring in Tupungato

    A few stags roaring in Tupungato
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From Our Blog

  • Red Stag Tupungato – Season 2023 Report

    The 2023 season was our most successful season in terms of size and quality of stags harvested. We want to thank all the hunters that came our way ..[...]

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  • Revel in the breathtaking vistas of Red Stag Patagonia's exquisite lakes, a paradise for nature lovers and peace seekers alike.

    Estancia Lanín History

    The history of the ranch dates back almost a century. Richard Hosking Trannack emigrated from Cornwall, England to Argentina in the latter part of ..[...]

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  • two men looking for their hunt

    Clothing tips for Red Stag Hunting in Argentina

    Maybe the single most important item is a good pair of well broken in hunting/hiking boots. Firm ankle support is important due to the uneven terra..[...]

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  • Discover the allure of the wild as deer roam freely, embodying the spirit of Red Stag Patagonia's commitment to authentic wildlife encounters.

    100% Success

    Every hunter has his definition of “Successful” so let me give you mine. To me, “success” isn’t the harvesting of the game. To me, suc..[...]

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  • 10 Tips preparing for the Perfect Hunt

    Sebastian F. Casado Sastre is not only the co-owner, but also the head guide for Red Stag Patagonia. With more than three decades of Big Game hunti..[...]

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  • A Thousand and “1” Shots

    A Thousand and “1” Shots – by Dave Mellum (Red Stag Patagonia—Tupungato Lodge) I’ve previously had the opportunity to hunt each of th..[...]

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  • Buenos Aires Big Game – Season 2017

    Most people don’t know that only two hours away from the city of Buenos Aires, there is the biggest herd of wild black buck in the world. You can..[...]

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  • Experience the synergy and teamwork of two hunters as they navigate the wilderness of Red Stag Patagonia in search of their hunting dreams

    Report Tupungato – Season 2017

    We had our best season ever in Tupungato in 2017. Our hunters enjoyed a 100 % success rate and all our guests took huge stags. We also harvested so..[...]

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  • Red Stag Chile – Season 2017

    Again in 2017, around the second week of March, Stags began coming down the mountains looking for hinds like clockwork. The roar was strong and ste..[...]

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  • Buenos Aires Big Game Hunting Report – Season 2013

    Herds of blackbuck and axis deer enjoyed what seemed to be a limitless food supply and horn growth has been impressive. Deer are also thick and hea..[...]

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  • Experience the breathtaking wonders of Red Stag Patagonia's natural environment, a paradise of untouched landscapes

    Tupungato Red Stag Hunting Report – Season 2013

    While shooting was restricted, we spent much of the season extensively scouting to determine how late the ranch could be hunted. The answer; from A..[...]

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  • Immerse yourself in the unspoiled natural beauty that surrounds Red Stag Patagonia, creating an unforgettable backdrop

    Chile Red Stag Hunting Report – Season 2013

    During the first week of March bulls began streaming down the mountains, out of the woods, and into the valleys. The rut was slightly delayed due t..[...]

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  • Red Stage Junin: Immerse Yourself in the Pristine Beauty of Mountains and the Vibrant Tapestry of Vegetation.

    Junin Red Stag Hunting Report – Season 2013

    Junin Ranch—home to one of the largest stable herds of Red Deer in northern Patagonia—produced another round of great hunts despite drier than ..[...]

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  • Buenos Aires Big Game – End of Season 2012 Report

    Buenos Aires province is well known for its extended big game season. It opens March 15 and closes in mid-December. This slot includes Axis Deer an..[...]

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  • Successful culmination of the Red Stag hunt amidst the awe-inspiring landscapes of Lanin.

    Red Stag Tupungato – End of Season 2012 Report

    This past year marked the first official season at our new Mendoza, Argentina, lodge. The large, iconic Estancia spans some of the best vineyards o..[...]

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  • Thrilling Wilderness Pursuits: Red Stage Chile and the Passionate Expedition of Men in Search of Hunting Glory.

    Red Stag Chile – End of Season 2012 Report

    Few people know that a patch of forest and hills in the central valley of southern Chile hides some of the biggest wild red stags in the world. RSP..[...]

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  • Immerse yourself in the unspoiled natural splendor that Red Stag Patagonia's environment has to offer

    Red Stag Junin – End of Season 2012 Report

    The 2012 season in the Junin area of Patagonia was very good. Many people were curious to see what would happen with the game, considering the ash ..[...]

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  • the allure of Red Stag Patagonia through the sight of the deer, gracefully navigating the vast meadows of this remarkable wilderness

    Junin Red Stag Hunting Report – Season 2011

    In a word, The 2011 Red Stag Season in Patagonia was for the first time in a couple of years, “normal.” In 2009 and 2010, we had summer-like we..[...]

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  • Embrace the Splendor: Red Stage Chile and the Captivating Red Deer Roaming the Wilderness.

    Chile Red Stag Hunting Report – Season 2011

    The 2011 Red Deer season in the Central Valley of Chile was very good, as we have come to expect. With a good, strong rut during most of March and ..[...]

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  • Red Stage Tupungato: Where the Majestic Red Deer Thrive in Pristine Landscapes.

    Tupungato Red Stag Hunting Report – Season 2011

    2011 was a pilot season for our Red Stag Hunting Program in Tupungato, Mendoza. 2012 will be the first full operating season when we will host hunt..[...]

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  • Red Stag Chile, Central Valley, Patagonia, Chile

    Los Crestones Red Stag Hunting Report – season 2011

    Many clients that traveled to Los Crestones for bird hunting this winter, dedicated one or two days to hunting big game. All of them left the lodge..[...]

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